Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week 9

Chapter 13 of Johnston & Zawawi
Ch. 13 – Sponsorship and Event Management
I think the key phrases and definitions to remember from this week’s reading’s are:
“Sponsorship is one of the most expensive tactics which can be chosen by an organization, but the goodwill delivered by a well-chosen and managed sponsorship can be commensurately large.” (Pg. 346
Philanthropic sponsorship – “as close to a donation as sponsorship can get; generally community based; generates goodwill
Corporate sponsorship – “entered into in order to link the sponsoring organization to a popular or high-profile event or activity, and thus to reap the benefits of this positive connection in the minds of the organisation’s publics.”
Marketing sponsorship – most popular form; “offers cash and goods in return for tangible revenue-oriented results”

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