Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Week 7

Ch 10 - Media Relations

"The term media relations is often used synonymously with publicity...But the role of media relations today is far broader and more complex than that of publicist or press agent." (Johnston & Zawawi pg 259-260)

As media relations is the topic of my debate, I found this chapter to be very interesting and useful. Basically, the most important thing to take away from this chapter is that the power of the media is not to be underestimated. In many ways, the media is the link between PR and the publics they are trying to reach. There are also many ways that PR reaches the media, such as press-kits, and backgrounders.
Another great quote from the text,
"dealing with the media is an integral part of much public relations activity, and its impact and power should never be under-estimated" (Johnston & Zawawi pg 260)

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