Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 6

Week 6 – Ch 4 & 5 or text PR Theory and Practice

I think the key phrases and definitions to remember from this week’s reading are…

Chapter 4 – The Legal Environment:
“To ensure quality public relations outcomes, practitioners need to take an active role in developing strategies to minimize the legal risks associated with the functions and roles they perform.” (Johnston & Zawawi, Pg, 75)
PR practitioners have a duty of care to their client and the general public. Therefore, they must be aware of the tort of negligence.
Tort – a civil wrong
The tort of Defamation - protects reputation; must be balanced against freedom of speech; limits what PR practitioner can publish
Trade Practices Act 1974 – imposes regulations on misleading and deceptive messages on corporations and those who communicate the corporation’s message, such as PR practitioners.

Chapter 5 – Ethical Practice
Ethics – “the personal values which underpin the behavior and moral choices made by an individual in response to a specific situation” (Johnston & Zawawi, Pg. 106)
Advocacy – the act of publicly representing another person, organization, or idea with the aim of persuading a target audience to accept or approve of the party being advocated Corporate Conscience – PR practitioner must not only consider the corporation they are representing, but the general public as well, when looking at policies, decisions, and actions
Ethical Challenges occur on three different levels:
Interpersonal – occurs between practitioner and people in the workplace
Organizational – occurs between practitioner and organization’s internal policies and protocols
Stakeholder – occurs between the organization and any publics that have an interest in or effect on the organizations actions


Thomas Pryszcz said...

I like it how you create your blog. It is a good idea to start with a quotation, which is the most impressive one in the wohle reading. The text below shows the main aspects and underlines also your first paragraph. It is therefore a nice summary. For this reading you definitly found the most important passages. I like it, cause its really easy to read and to understand.

Veronica said...

I completely agree with the key points that you've picked out of each reading. With ethics especially, it is often one's own judgement that one has to listen to when faced with a difficult situation. However,I also think that the four principles of the Potter Box and the 3 ethical doctrines also need to be taken note of. Otherwise, good points.

cmns1290RobertLecker said...

hi ashley!

I think you did a good job in pointing out the most important aspects you took from the text. as thomas mentioned before, it is a good idea to start with a quotation. that gives a good introduction to your arguments. so it was very easy to understand what you found most interesting in the texts and I agree with your judgement, because I also think that these points are really relevant. on the other hand, it might have been interesting to read some of you personal thoughts about the topics...

cheers, robert