Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Week 6 Tutorial

During today's tutorial, I commented on Robert Lecker's Blog

Week 6

Week 6 – Ch 4 & 5 or text PR Theory and Practice

I think the key phrases and definitions to remember from this week’s reading are…

Chapter 4 – The Legal Environment:
“To ensure quality public relations outcomes, practitioners need to take an active role in developing strategies to minimize the legal risks associated with the functions and roles they perform.” (Johnston & Zawawi, Pg, 75)
PR practitioners have a duty of care to their client and the general public. Therefore, they must be aware of the tort of negligence.
Tort – a civil wrong
The tort of Defamation - protects reputation; must be balanced against freedom of speech; limits what PR practitioner can publish
Trade Practices Act 1974 – imposes regulations on misleading and deceptive messages on corporations and those who communicate the corporation’s message, such as PR practitioners.

Chapter 5 – Ethical Practice
Ethics – “the personal values which underpin the behavior and moral choices made by an individual in response to a specific situation” (Johnston & Zawawi, Pg. 106)
Advocacy – the act of publicly representing another person, organization, or idea with the aim of persuading a target audience to accept or approve of the party being advocated Corporate Conscience – PR practitioner must not only consider the corporation they are representing, but the general public as well, when looking at policies, decisions, and actions
Ethical Challenges occur on three different levels:
Interpersonal – occurs between practitioner and people in the workplace
Organizational – occurs between practitioner and organization’s internal policies and protocols
Stakeholder – occurs between the organization and any publics that have an interest in or effect on the organizations actions